Have you ever wondered who makes sure the food and beverages you buy in your community are safe to eat? Did you ever think about what laws protect your health and safety at an apartment pool or the spa at a fitness center? How about used oil and trash? Hazardous Materials emergencies? Water well monitoring? All of these public concerns are regularly inspected by the County of Riverside Department of Environmental Health. The Department has three divisions: Environmental Protection and Oversight (EPO), District Environmental Services (DES), and Business Operations and Finance (BOF).
The programs within EPO and DES provide guidance and oversight to ensure compliance with state, county and other codes and regulations. Environmental Health Specialists (EHS) and Technicians (EHT) carry-out the work of ensuring these codes and regulations are being followed.
The BOF division includes Internal Support Services, Accounting and Special Projects. This division is responsible for the Department's accounting functions, creating and monitoring the Department's operating budget, information technology, training, and other functions that support the regulatory functions of EPO and DES.
The Department of Environmental Health offers career opportunities for those individuals interested in the pursuit of protecting the public's health. We are always looking for bright and energetic individuals to fill positions in our EPO, DES and BOF divisions.
Job Specifications
Environmental Health Specialist (EHS)
An EHS may work in one of the following programs:
- District Environmental Services
- Environmental Protection Oversight
- Check out all the different programs Environmental Health covers
- Check out this short video highlighting the EHS position
- College Graduate
- Possess either:
- Registration as an Environmental Health Specialist (REHS) from CDPH (California Department of Public Health)
- A pre-certification letter from CDPH for employment as an Environmental Health Specialist Trainee.
Specialists are typically hired at either a I, II, or III level based on current REHS status and experience. Other levels in this class include IV and Supervising EHS.
Environmental Health Technician (EHT)
An EHT may work in one of the following programs:
- Hazardous Materials Management
- Vector Control
- Land Use
Duties may include:
- Public and business assistance
- Nuisance abatement and investigation
To apply as an Environmental Health Specialist, read our "" flyer.
For Business Operations and Finance positions and all other Environmental Health positions, follow the instructions provided on the .
Consider an Internship with Environmental Health
Take advantage of this unique opportunity to get to know us and to let us get to know you. Becoming an Environmental Health intern lets you test drive a career and help make a difference!
We offer unpaid internships to students and graduates who are interested in pursuing a career in the field of Environmental Health. An internship is a great way to learn more about this exciting profession while working side by side with Environmental Health Specialists. See our brochure for more information.