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Mobile Food Facilities are inspected to ensure safe food handling practices, sanitation, and compliance with California Health and Safety Code and Riverside County Ordinances, just like fixed food facilities. Construction inspections, routine inspections, and complaint investigations, including foodborne illness complaints, are conducted.


There are five categories of Mobile Food Facility (MFF) that can be permitted:

  1. Cart/Trailer - Low Risk: A Compact Mobile Food Operation that engages in prepackaged food only (e.g. prepackaged push carts).
  2. Cart/Trailer - Medium Risk: A Compact Mobile Food Operation that engages in Limited Food Preparation (e.g. hot dog carts).
  3. Truck - Low Risk: A motorized MFF that operates with prepackaged food only (e.g., ice cream trucks).
  4. Truck - Medium Risk: A motorized MFF that engages in limited food preparation (e.g., shaved ice cart or hot dog cart).
  5. Truck/Trailer - High Risk: A MFF that engages in full food preparation (e.g., food trucks).

Compact Mobile Food Operations (CMFOs)

On September 23, 2022, Governor Newsom signed SB 972, a bill that modifies the California Retail Food Code (CRFC) creating a new category of Mobile Food Facilities for street vendors called Compact Mobile Food Operations (CMFOs). A Compact Mobile Food Operation (CMFO) is a mobile food facility that operates from a pushcart, pedal-driven cart, wagon, showcase, rack, or other nonmotorized transport. CMFOs can conduct limited food preparation of non-potentially hazardous and potentially hazardous food. Health and safety requirements will vary based on the menu and the type of operation.

CMFO Information Bulletin

For more information on unpackaged CMFOs, contact our Plan Check Specialist Jeff Lojeski at [email protected] or (760)320-1048. Click here for Spanish.

Mobile Food Facility Flowchart

Not sure what Mobile Food Facility type you fall under? Check out our chart!  Click here for Spanish                                                                                         


Still have questions about operating a Mobile Food Facility or CMFO? Check out the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs). Click here for Spanish.

Ice cream Push Cart

    Interested in Starting a MFF Business?

    Make sure to contact all relevant city or county agencies BEFORE setting up your MFF business. Laws and ordinances differ within city and county boundaries and may not allow you to sell in certain areas without their own form of approval (e.g., business license, zoning clearances, fire approval, etc.).

    Placeholder image

    Food Facility Quick Links

    Mobile Food Facility Required FormsMobile Food Facility Informational Documents
    MFF Permit ApplicationMFF Construction and Plan Approval Guidelines

    Commissary Agreement Letter 

    MFF Operational Guidelines for NON-PREPACKAGED vehicles
    English | Spanish
    Commissary Schedule/Route Sheet

    Limited Food Preparation

    English | Spanish

    Written Operational Procedures 
    Mobile Food Facility | Mobile Support Unit
    List of Commissaries: 
    English | Spanish


    Home Endorsement
    English | Spanish


    Planning Departments in Riverside County

    Shared Kitchen Agreement Form

    English | Spanish


    Laboratories for Water Quality Analysis:

    English | Spanish

     Can a Restaurant Be Used as a MFF Commissary?:
     English | Spanish
     MFF Business Sign Requirements
     Prepackaged MFF
     Construction Guidelines for a MFF Commissary