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Housing Based Programs

Mobilehome & RV Parks

Staff conducts routine inspections and complaint investigations for the maintenance, sanitation practices, use and occupancy of approximately 100 mobilehome and RV parks located in the County’s unincorporated areas. This Program ensures that people living in these parks are not subjected to substandard living conditions, and are provided with a safe and sanitary living environment.  For more information visit the California Department of Housing and Community Development. 

Organized Camps

The Department of Environmental Health inspects organized camps on an annual basis to ensure camps are operated in a manner to provide a healthy and safe camper experience.  An organized camp provides an outdoor group living experience filled with structured activities and programs.  Organized camps are inspected to ensure compliance with sections of California Health and Safety Code.  Check out the links below for more information.

 Camp Health and Safety Code Sections
 American Camp Association (ACA)
 California Department of Public Health (CDPH)

Household Garbage & Sewage

The purpose of this program is to assure that neighborhoods and communities are not endangered by failing sewage disposal systems or lack of proper refuse removal. Typically, these complaints are handled by 6 area offices. In any given year this program typically responds to approximately 100 trash complaints, and 300 sewage complaints in the unincorporated areas of the County.