The main objective of Riverside County Department of Environmental Health’s Environmental Cleanup Program (ECP) is to protect human health, water resources and the environment from exposures from releases of contaminants. ECP also takes part in the environmental review of planning cases for properties within unincorporated areas and participating cities and permits Monitoring wells and other wells within Riverside County.
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ECP – Land Development
ECP staff reviews environmental assessment documents relating to site conditions at proposed commercial and residential developments and provides conditions as part of the planning process for numerous contract cities. Talk to your planner if you will be required to go through ECP.

Site Cleanup Program
The Department of Environmental Health’s Site Cleanup Program (SCP) provides oversight of environmental investigations and cleanup of contaminated sites.

Monitoring Wells
The Environmental Cleanup Program (ECP) is the program within Riverside County Environmental Health (DEH) that administers and enforces state standards and local ordinances pertaining to the construction, alteration, maintenance, and destruction of monitoring wells, cathodic wells, and other types of non-production wells. Learn more

Childhood Lead Poison Prevention Program (CLPPP)
The objective of the Riverside County Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Program (CLPPP) is to protect children from exposure to lead-hazards. The program is composed of a team of Public Health Nurses and Environmental Professionals who conduct lead-hazard investigations at homes of children who have an elevated blood lead level. The purpose of the home visit is to determine the cause of the child’s lead poisoning and to ensure that all identified lead-hazards are reduced or eliminated.