Protecting the quality of ground water in Riverside County is a priority. Proper construction of new wells and proper reconstruction or destruction of existing wells is critical. A Riverside County Environmental Health Permit for construction, reconstruction or destruction of a well is required throughout the county.
Well Links
Wells Program
If you suspect your well is having issues, or going dry, visit our Dry Wells page.
To construct or destroy a well, you must first contact a Registered Well Driller to prepare your application for submittal.
Wells include:
- Drinking water wells – These include individual domestic wells, industrial wells, community wells, and horizontal wells.
- Agriculture wells – These wells are used for agriculture purposes only and not for drinking. In order to convert an agriculture well to a drinking water well, submit a Well Evaluation Application for approval
- Monitoring wells – These wells are advanced in groundwater to monitor subsurface conditions. Most monitoring wells are usually associated with a cleanup.
- Cathodic wells – These wells are used for cathodic protection of utility lines.
To obtain a permit, submit a Monitoring Well Application for approval.

Find out if there is a well on a property
Registered Well Drillers
Are you a licensed C-57 and want to work in Riverside County? Register with our Department and be on our Registered Well Drillers List:
- Fill out Well Driller Registration Application.
- Submit the application and fees in person to the Downtown Riverside or Indio Office or by


Riverside Office
Address: 4080 Lemon St, 10th Floor, Riverside, CA 92501
Tel: 951-955-8980
Fax: 951-955-8988
Email: [email protected]
In person: Monday-Friday - 7:30am - 12pm and 1pm - 4:30pm
Address: 47-950 Arabia St, Suite A Indio, CA 92201
Tel: 760-863-7570
Fax: 760-863-7013
Email: [email protected]
In person: In person: Monday & Wednesday - 7:30am - 12pm and 1pm - 4:30pm