The Department of Environmental Health enforces the Safe Body Art Act which establishes minimum standards that apply to body art facilities and practitioners for the safe practice of body art in Riverside County.
Practitioner Permits
A practitioner performs tattooing, body piercing, permanent cosmetics, or branding on a client. Practitioners must work from a location with a facility permit.
New Permits

Submit Paperwork
- Practitioner Application
- You must work at an approved Body Art facility
- You must work at an approved Body Art facility
- Bloodborne Pathogens Training Certificate
- Hepatitis B Vaccination Status (one of the following):
- Hep B Vaccination Record
- Declination Form
- Valid Photo ID verifying age

How to Submit
- Email - To avoid processing delays, submit all documents in a single email in PDF format.
- In Person or mail

- After you submit your paperwork, you will be contacted with instructions on how to pay fees.
- $136 (Practitioner Registration $68 + Annual Permit $68)
Renew Permit
Renewal invoices are sent to the facility address. Need to renew your permit? PAY ONLINE
Facility ID# (FA#) can be found on your permit.
Operating a Facility
A facility is the location where practitioners perform tattooing, body piercing, permanent cosmetics, or branding.
Opening a New Shop

Submit Plans
- Plan Review Application
- Site plan
- Room Finish List
- Infection Prevention and Control Plan (IPCP)
- Copies of the medical questionnaire, consent form, and aftercare instructions for review
- For facilities utilizing an autoclave, provide a negative spore test performed within 30 days of final approval inspection

How to Submit
- Email - To avoid processing delays, submit all documents in a single email in PDF format.
- In Person or mail

- After you submit your plans, you will be contacted with instructions on how to pay fees.
- Plan Review Fee: $526

Schedule Approval Inspection and Pay Permit Fees:
- Annual Facility Permit Fee: $269 (To be collected at approval inspection)
General Operating Info
► Has your business moved? Start plan review process.
► Change of ownership? EMAIL US.
► It is the owner's responsibility to notify this department when practitioners leave the shop or when new practitioners start.
► Facilities that use disposable, single-use, presterilized instruments need to obtain proof from the manufacturer that the instruments have undergone the sterilization process. Written proof must be on company or laboratory letterhead and state the following:
- Method of sterilization the pre-sterilized instruments have undergone
- Instruments sterilized by name or item number
- Lot or batch number of the sterilizer run
Body Art Program
Ask An Inspector Podcast Episode 4: Body Art
Learn more about how to perform body art in Riverside County
Email us for any questions regarding body art:
Riverside Office
Address: 4080 Lemon St, 10th Floor, Riverside, CA 92501
Tel: 951-955-8980
Fax: 951-955-8988
In person: Monday-Friday - 7:30am - 12pm and 1pm - 4:30pm
Address: 47-950 Arabia St, Suite A Indio, CA 92201
Tel: 760-863-7570
Fax: 760-863-7013
In person: In person: Monday & Wednesday - 7:30am - 12pm and 1pm - 4:30pm