A State Small Water system is a system that delivers water for human consumption that serves at least five but not more than fourteen service connections, with populations of 24 or less individuals for more than 60 days out of the year.
Application Process
A Riverside County Environmental Health Permit is required to operate a State Small Water System. Permit requirements are outlined in Article 3. Section 64211 of Title 22 Code of Regulations
Operating Requirements
- Provide Annual Consumer Notice to customers and submit Proof of Notification to this Department.
- Sample the distribution system at least once every three months for bacteria and have it analyzed by a certified laboratory. Submit results to this Department.
- Maintain a current
- Maintain a current


Riverside Office
Address: 4080 Lemon St, 10th Floor, Riverside, CA 92501
Tel: 951-955-8980
Fax: 951-955-8988
EmaiL: [email protected]
In person: Monday-Friday - 7:30am - 12pm and 1pm - 4:30pm
Address: 47-950 Arabia St, Suite A Indio, CA 92201
Tel: 760-863-7570
Fax: 760-863-7013
Email: [email protected]
In person: Monday & Wednesday - 7:30am - 12pm and 1pm - 4:30pm