The maintenance of sanitary conditions on poultry ranches is essential in the control of synanthropic flies, mosquitoes, and commensal rodents. To ensure sanitary conditions and compliance with state and local requirements, bimonthly inspections are conducted on poultry ranches located in the western portion of Riverside County. Many aspects of ranch management are investigated during these inspections including manure management, manure disposal, maintenance of watering and feeding devices, timely removal of dead fowl and broken eggs, and other conditions that could result in a vector breeding situation.
What is a poultry ranch?
A commercial poultry ranch is any building, structure, enclosure, or premise located within the unincorporated territory of Riverside County, where 1,000 or more domestic fowl are kept or maintained for the primary purpose of producing fowl, eggs, or meat for sale, as defined by Riverside County Ordinance No. 565.
Avian Influenza
Avian Influenza (AI), commonly called bird flu, is a disease found in some populations of wild water fowl that can infect chickens, turkeys, pheasants, quail, ducks, geese and guinea fowl, as well as a wide variety of other domesticated and wild birds. Once AI is introduced into domestic avian populations, subsequent spread is normally caused by domestic bird-to-bird contact or through contact with contaminated people, feed or equipment rather than through secondary introductions from the wild reservoir. Click here for more information on Avian Influenza.