If you received a notice regarding delinquent trash charges, this means that your property has been identified as having delinquent charges for trash service for all or a portion of the 2023 calendar year. Under an agreement between the County of Riverside and your trash company, delinquent trash charges are placed annually on the coming year’s property tax bills. This process is used to keep the costs for the collection of waste as low as possible for all residents of the unincorporated areas of Riverside County.
For questions about your delinquent trash charges, fill out the inquiry form below and a department representative will contact you within two business days.
Frequently Asked Questions
I bought/acquired this property in 2024. Am I responsible for the previous owner’s trash bill?
No, you are not responsible for charges accrued in 2023. Provide your trash company with a copy of an opening utility bill, escrow document, or grant deed to establish the effective date of the change of ownership.
What if the property is vacant or is a vacation home?
Contact your trash company so they can review your account and make an assessment.
I don’t have trash cans with a trash company. Why am I getting billed?
Everyone is required to have trash service as per Ordinance 745. Fill out the inquiry form below and a department representative will contact you within two business days.
I own this property, but I have tenants living there. Who is responsible for these charges?
This may indicate that your tenant has not paid the charges for trash service. Riverside County Ordinance 745 makes trash disposal the responsibility of the property owner. If your tenants do not pay for their trash charges, the bill becomes the legal obligation of the property owner. Contact the trash company to make the payment.
The owner of the property passed away. How do I get this resolved?
Contact your trash company to make arrangements for payment. You may need to provide supporting documents of the deceased.
Can I make a payment directly to Environmental Health?
No. Please contact your trash company to make all payments.
How do I get in contact with my trash company?
Waste Management of the Inland Empire (WMI) P.O. Box 541008 Los Angeles, CA 90054-1008 (866) 949-9719 |
CR&R Incorporated P.O. Box 125 Stanton, CA 90680 (888) 870-4494 or (800) 826-9677 |
How do I update the mailing address for this letter?
Contact your trash company to update your mailing address.
When is the last day I can pay my bill?
The last day to make payment so that this will not be added to your property tax bill is July 19, 2024.
Can I just let these delinquent charges go on my property tax bill?
You can, however, additional fees are added to your delinquent charges when they are added to your property tax bill.
Do I have to attend the Public Hearing?
No, the Board Hearing is meant to hear public concerns about the parcel assessment process. If you are looking to settle your account, contact your hauler directly. If you have any questions about the process, contact Environmental Health.
I’ve contacted my trash company, but I still have questions. Who else can I talk to?
We’re here to help. Fill out the inquiry form below and a department representative will contact you within two business days.