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Certified Farmers Markets allow local farmers to sell their California grown agricultural products directly to the public. Consumers have a chance to buy directly from local farmers, and the agricultural products you find at a Certified Farmers Market are seasonal and fresh.

Certified Farmers Market Permit Application and Guidance

Application to Operate a Food Facility

Certified Farmers Market Informational Bulletin: 
English | Spanish

Certified Farmers Market Manager List of Participating Farmers: 
English | Spanish

Certified Farmers Market Permits

Certified Farmers Market permits are annual permits that are obtained by the Market Manager or Organizer. In order to obtain a permit to operate a Certified Farmers Market, the following documents would be required:

Application to Operate a Food Facility

  • Written approval for Market from appropriate planning department (City or County)

Market Manager List of Participating Farmers

Certified Producers

In order to vend at a Certified Farmers Market you must be a Certified Producer with the California Department of Food and Agriculture, contact the local County Agricultural Commissioner’s office, and obtain permission from the market manager to participate at their Certified Farmers Market. Check out this informational bulletin for more on certification and vending requirements