Have you ever wondered who posts the grades for restaurants? Or who checks the community pool’s chlorine level? Who verifies your private well and septic system get installed correctly? How about who makes sure your tattoo artist has bloodborne pathogen training? Or who verifies hazardous materials get properly handled? These public health and safety concerns are regulated by the Department of Environmental Health. We are Environmental Health Specialists and are dedicated to protecting the people and environment of Riverside County.
Check out our department brochure or contact an area office with any further questions regarding the department.
Management Team

Jeff Johnson

Brent Casey
Deputy Director
Environmental Protection and Oversight

Kristin Lorge
Deputy Director
District Environmental Services

Steve Horn
Deputy Director
Business Operations & Finance

Ken Chandler
Program Chief
Retail Food, Recreational Water, Plan Check

Nick Crain
Program Chief
Underground Storage Tank, CalARP Aboveground Petroleum Storage, Hazardous Materials Disclosure, Emergency Response and Investigations, Hazardous Waste Generation

Kristine Kim
Program Chief
Local Enforcement Agency, Land Development, Drinking Water, Medical Waste, Body Art, Environmental Clean Up, Solid Waste Collection and Removal, Childhood Lead Prevention, Backflow Protection

Jenay Marcotte
Program Chief
Tobacco Permitting, Mobilehome & RV Parks, Vector Control, Household Garbage and Sewage, Organized Camps

Greg Reyes
Program Chief
Special Projects, Drought Response, Record Digitization, GIS Program, Franchise Agreements
Johnny Perez
Administrative Services Officer
Recruitment, Timekeeping, Vehicle Management, Records Requests, Budget Preparation and Customer Service

Gina Fabricante
Administrative Services Officer
IT/Communications, Facilities/Leases, Fleet Services, Security/Safety, Receiving/Courier, Non-Capital Assets

Vanna Kim
Fiscal Manager
Accounts Payable/Receivable, Purchasing/Contracts